Peoples of Tòlan ar XVI: Yòègisenô/Yòègisentèga (Yikaria & Ursoids)



Yòègisenô Lands
Yòègisenô Lands

The Yòègisenô inhabit the tundra and scrubland regions of the southern polar continent (Antithaele?). While they make up two distinct species biologically, they make up a single people in terms of culture. Both refer to themselves as Yòègisenô, which means “fortunate elect”, and refer to the other as Yòègisentèga, which means unfortunate elect, though they usually simply use the derogatory terms: Mirešeqetrà, which means “grass eater”, or Yesekàqetrà which means “flesh eater”. They veiw themselves as one species, each seeing themselves as the true example of the species and the other as having been cursed by their deity. The Uàbwarma of Kùvramkar refer to them collectively as Bàxkam [BAYX-kahm] (Beastmen) or Qeremsk [CHER-emsk] (Wildlings).
Their entire culture is centered around the herds of musk ox that roam their lands. The Mirešeqetrà guard and husband the herds while the Yesekàqetrà hunt them for food, and they are engaged in a strange war over this one resource. As they view each other as the same race, enemy dead are treated with honour, and enemy captives are sacrificed with much ceremony (they are considered the most valuable of all sacrifices). Generally, the Mirešeqetrà outnumber the Yesekàqetrà by a factor of about 4:1 to 5:1 in most places, though this ratio decreases in the more rugged lands.

Mirešeqetrà shaman
Mirešeqetrà shaman
Typical Yòègisenô idol
Typical Yòègisenô idol

The other pillar of their society is their religion. Both worship the same deity, known simply as Èôsviskàè Kemè Qèàtgà [ee-OY-svih-skay-ee KEH-mee CHEE-ayt-gay], which means “the god without a face”. This Faceless God is seen as an implacable and unforgiving deity who has created the world as a harsh and deadly place in which to test each individual. Scattered across the landscape, seemingly at random, one finds large The landscape is littered with crude monolithic “statues” of this deity, which serve as the centres of worship for both peoples.

Yesekàqetrà Shaman
Yesekàqetrà Shaman

This dark deity is appeased by sacrifice, which the followers carry out by offering slaves or captives in the “Manner Elemental” – that is by fire (immolation), earth (live burial), water (drowning), or air (throwing the victim off a mountain). Regular sacrifices ensure the ongoing benevolence of the deity. The shamen of this deity are considered

sacrosanct, and there are serious taboos against the killing of one by any but another shaman.

Until their recent encounter with the Uàbwarma, they were completely unaware of the very existence of the outside world and had no idea of the existence of other sentient races. As such, they view them as simply rather intelligent animals, though they have gained a healthy respect for them due to their military prowess. The arrival of these previously unimagined outsiders has caused some disruption within their society, as they do not fit into their world view, and some few have even proposed cooperation against the, though this is deemed a heretical idea.



Mirešeqetrà warrior
Mirešeqetrà warrior

The Mirešeqetrà, variously know by the Uàbwarma as Dìkam ([DAI-kam] “cow-men”) or Kròqemar ([KROH-cheh-mahr] “slavers”) are ogre-sized humanoids with broad shoulders. Their heads are like those of disgruntled yaks, complete with curved horns, often decorated with tassles, and uniformly dour, sullen expressions. Male or female, their bodies are coated with thick fur and hair. Females tend to be somewhat more slender, but otherwise they are very similar to the males in appearance; many outsiders cannot tell them apart. Both sexes wear long flowing robes. All carry staves, some of which are magical. In combat, they wear hide armour, often elaborately decorated and use large crudely fashioned falchion-like swords.

They are nomadic, their movements being dictated by that of the herd they protect. They live in extended family groups of 20-50 members, each of which is attached to a specific herd of musk oxen. Their entire world view revolves around these herds, and they are dedicated to husbanding them and exploiting them non-destructively (sort of like the various cattle cultures in Africa). Outsiders often mistake them for gentle pastoralists, a misconception they are usually quickly disabused of when they are taken captive and offered up as a sacrifice.

Mirešeqetrà characters have the following game-specific (3.5) characteristics.

  • Stat Adjustments: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +1 Con, +1 Wisdom
  • Size:Large (–1 penalty to Armor Class, –1 penalty on attack rolls, –4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium characters).
  • A Mirešeqetrà ‘s base land speed is 20 feet.
  • Senses: Scent.
  • Commune with Herd: Mirešeqetrà have the ability to mentally link with any member of it’s herd and see through it’s eyes, etc. and to issue it instructions. This is an instinctual, non-verbal communication, so the instructions are by definition very simple and rudimentary.
  • Use Staff: A Mirešeqetrà can use any magic staff. This ability is similar to the Use Magic Device skill except that it applies only to magic staffs and the Mirešeqetrà does not require a skill check.
  • Favored Class: Shaman

Based on the Yikaria article on the Wolrd of Azolin Wiki and the Yak Folk entry in the 3.5 Monster Manual II.




Yesekàqetrà warrior
Yesekàqetrà warrior

The Yesekàqetrà are known to the Uàbwarma as Bèurmkam ([BEE-uhrm-kahm] “bearmen”) or Komkvekar ([kom-kveh-KAHR] “man-eater”). They are huge anthropomorphic polar bears, standing 275 – 335 cm (9′-11′) in height. They wear little to nothing in the way of clothing and rarely use any weapons other than their natural claws and teeth. They almost never wear armour, though they do make use of bracers and shoulder guards, etc., as shown in the illustration.

They are fast runners, and can sprint at a surprising speed when they drop to all fours. They are also strong natural swimmers.

Yesekàqetrà are completely carnivorous and so view all other creatures as potential food, except the Mirešeqetrà (the eating of which they view as cannibalism). They live in small family groups of 5-10, but are most often encountered hunting alone or in pairs.

Yesekàqetrà characters have the following game-specific (3.5) characteristics:

  • Stat Adjustments: +8 Strength, +6 Constitution, −2 Intelligence, +2; Charisma
  • Size: Large (–1 penalty to Armor Class, –1 penalty on attack rolls, –4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium characters).
  • Movement: Yesekàqetrà base land speed is 40 feet: When on four legs they can run at a speed of 60 feet.
  • Senses: Dark-vision to 60ft, Scent.
  • Racial Skills: Yesekàqetrà get the following a racial bonus: +4 to any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line; a Yesekàqetrà’s white coat bestows a +12 racial bonus on Hide checks in snowy areas; and their size and general nature give them a +2 to intimidate checks involving physical force.
  • Natural Weapons: Yesekàqetrà can attack with their claws (Two attacks each doing 1d8) and/or their bite (2d6).
  • Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Yesekàqetrà must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
  •  Favoured Class: Shaman.
  • Level Adjustment: +3

Based on the Half-Bear (Polar) and Polar Bear entries on the D&D Wiki.

Source for the Mirešeqetrà shaman image.

Source for the Mirešeqetrà warrior image.

Source for the Yesekàqetrà shaman image.

Source for the Yesekàqetrà warrior image.

Source for the Yòègisenô idol image.