Rumours of my demise have been exagerated

I have been hard at work detailing Djapar, going into much greater detail than with Tòlanar. Now just about everything is done, at least in spreadsheet/database form, and I am now starting in on writing it out and posting it online in a more readable format.

I have a plan to lay everything out in a Wikipedia-like format with multiple cross links which will make navigation easier (but the creation much harder — but I am a sucker for punishment). In keeping with that plan, I am indicating future links in underlined red, theoretically they will be changed to regular working blue links as I go along.

To date I have two races done, but rather than post them here (they are long, one of them is over 30 pages), I will just post links to the website versions here. Each webpage has a link to a downloadable PDF version at the bottom of the page.

My website is

The first race is the Avanaà, a dwarven race

And the second is an orangutan-like simian race, the Bòdòd.


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